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My name is Hannah and I'm definitely happiest when I'm on the road.
I've been on roadtrips across the US, into Canada and around New Zealand. You absolutely can't beat jumping in a van with your best friend and heading out to explore. Even if (when) things go wrong and you can't figure out how to get back onto the freeway, or bits of your van start flying off at 70mph, or you inadvertently hit Death Valley at the hottest time of the day, it's all a part of the adventure!

Follow Hannah #emandhanontheroad


Howdy Pardners
One day I'll live in a van and wake up in a different place everyday of the year. Until then, I'll settle for finding travelling opportunities wherever I go - I'll make a road trip out of renewing my passport, drive to Canada and get a speeding ticket rushing home for Christmas, or just take the long way home. Follow me on Instagram for my latest adventure!
See you out there Trippers!

Follow Jordan